Thursday, July 14, 2011

Illustration Friday - Stay

I'll stay with you, although we can't be together..

I remember when I was 5 or 6 years old, I found a cute little kitty in front of my house. My brother and I were very happy and we begged our parents to raise it. But they didn't allow us, because we had a dog. So we put the kitty in a box, gave some food and milk, and then we put the box at the street.. just wishing that somebody would look after it.. I still remember the sad feeling when I said goodbye to the kitty.. :(


  1. What a touching moment... I really enjoy your style.

  2. what a moment in your life...sad...

  3. I wonder what happened to him, hopefully a loving and wonderful home. Your tenderness and care would have been a magical moment in his life.

  4. So tenderly illustrated! Love this! :o)

  5. So sweet!! Love the illustration!!
